Thursday, June 07, 2007

It just got worse.

I was sitting here in the room, reading the wonderful comments you all posted to my last entry, and thinking that I really shouldn’t complain so much, when I heard Rob say something muffled that ended in the word “tarantula.” With my voice becoming shrill, I demanded, “What about a tarantula?” He gestured towards the wall and sure enough, there was a tarantula crawling along the corner. (Don’t worry, Jodi, no pictures here). I ran and got a broom, Rob swept it out of the room. I am glad for Amy’s vote of confidence that I am tough, but seriously, I wonder if this might be the undoing of me. When I remind myself that Rob is going back to the US tomorrow, leaving me alone for a week in this tarantula-infested room, I become quite queasy.

Outside it is thundering and lightening and pouring down rain; I guess it really is true: when it rains it pours! Someday I’ll look back on this and laugh, right?

One more thing: could you all please send out prayers and healing wishes to Rob’s Nana and Grampy. Hang in there Nana, and Grampy, we hope you are back on your feet again soon.

Thanks again for reading.


At 6:51 AM, June 08, 2007, Blogger amypfan said...

Don't worry--life was just getting all the bad things out of the way before Rob left, and everything will be fine while he's gone. A wise friend (you) once (or many times) told me, "There's a reason for everything. No matter how strange and twisted that reason might be.... there IS a reason." Hopefully that little trip down memory lane at least brought a smile to your face. Hang in there, and I will definitely pray for Rob's family.

At 9:52 AM, June 08, 2007, Blogger Logan's Mama said...

I guess that they say it is always darkest before the dawn, so you are definitely on the homestretch now. But it is like Mile 22 of a marathon. Oh so close, but yet so far on tired legs. Steel yourself with the knowledge that you are tough as nails, with all of the storms (both literal and figural) that you have weathered since arriving in Nicaragua last August. Despite all of it, I have a funny feeling that you will miss Ometepe and long for it after your return to suburbia. Maybe the appearance of the scary spiders near the end of the trip will serve to significantly lessen the sweet sorrow of your departure. Hang in there! We're pulling for you!!

At 11:18 AM, June 08, 2007, Blogger foxymomma said...

My stomach is in a KNOT!!!!!!! after reading your blog , I was ready to send for you, to come back IMMEDIATELY , to get on the BUS with Rob and get outta there!!!!!!!! first of all, SWEEPING the DANG thing OUT the door, would NOT have been what I would have CHOSEN TO DO.. KILL FIRST , worry later about what it was!!!! that's MY MOTTO!!!!!! GET a HUGE STICK, , broom , club, or GUN , what ever it takes, and KEEP it handy at all times!!!!!!!! after reading Logan's mama's comment, I cried.. I WILL KEEP PRAYING FOR YOU AND ROB AND HIS PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS.... it's the only HOPE left to help keep me from going bonkers!!! spose you think the TICKS were not bad at all!!!!! Try to keep a stiff upper lip ( whatever in the heck that means??) during the absence of Rob, soon he will be back, and the number of weeks will be shorter down there!!!!!! hugs and prayers to stay safe... luv you and miss you so much!!! STAND TALL and PUT YOUR HIGH TOP BOOTS ON DAY AND NIGHT!!!!!

At 5:45 PM, June 09, 2007, Blogger Jodi said...

I can't read your blog if you're going to be posting phrases like "tarantula-infested room".

There is no reason for tarantulas.


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